Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 15

So the tour continues...

Here is my "Katie-size" bathroom lol! The only thing hidden is the toilet which the door hits over to the right. The tiniest shower I have ever been in, I don't think anyone much taller than me could use this shower.

At some point I'll get my bedroom in good enough shape that I'm willing to share it! It's the last room in my apartment to share.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 14

Here's my phone...

I was sitting in the McDonald's play place playing with the settings on my camera and taking pictures of the stuff around me.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 13

So tonight I went bowling and we had fun. None of us were very good and so I think we had more fun because we didn't take ourselves too seriously. So we ended up getting a pitcher of beer and diet coke and we got a pizza for really cheap because someone canceled their order. But it was funny because we were bowling next to this big guys and they each had a glass of white wine and we had this pile of pizza and beer!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 11

So today instead of going to the gym I decided to work out at home. I had gotten this DVD a week or so ago called the 30 Day Shred. Today was the first day I tried it and it kicked my butt! 5lb weights don't seem heavy until you've been using them for 25 minutes! I picked Brycen up from school today and there are about 15 stairs and it was so hard to get up and down those stairs after this workout! Hopefully I can keep doing it so I can get in better shape.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 10

So the last few days I've been a bit under the weather and I kind of let my apartment get a bit messy...So I know I'm posting two pictures, but I thought this warranted a before and after picture.

This is my living room...all clean and mostly clutter free.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 8

Here's my cute kitty. He's busy hanging up pictures with his hammer :). He was constantly by my side as I was trying to hang a picture and get it straight.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 7

Today has been a very cold snowy day but I decided to take a walk around my building to see what I could come up with for a picture for today. This is the front entrance to my apartment.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 6

So here is my dining room. It's actually still this clean since I cleaned it on Wednesday which, for me, is impressive! My dining room table is kind of the catch-all place. It's right inside the door and I hang my coat on a chair and put down all my stuff. But here it is, clean and clutter free.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 5

Today I went to go see Black was weird. I'm still processing. It was also the coldest day ever...and we decided to walk. I was so cold when I got to my car. I nearly missed the opportunity to take this picture. It's nothing too special, but I like the way it turned out.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 4

Today I took Braxton and Brycen to McDonald's Play Place. After a mini meltdown by Brycen (he doesn't like his shoes taken off) we had a great time running, climbing, and playing with the other kids. Brycen was loving having his picture taken but I just could not seem to catch Braxton. Usually it's the other way around but I finally caught up to Braxton and got a picture.

I was so impressed with Braxton today! He was interacting really well with the other kids and it was just so nice to not have to constantly keep an eye out to make sure he was being nice to the other kids.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 3

So I didn't do much today beyond running a few errands and continue cleaning my apartment so there wasn't much to take pictures of. I tried to be a little creative.

This is the view out my front window through the stained glass. Nothing too exciting, but I like that I have stained glass windows.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 2

I have the day off tomorrow so I feel a bit more motivated to get something done tonight and what did I choose to do with my free evening? Clean. When did I become the person who looks forward to having some time off so I can clean? I am on a mission to get my apartment clean and keep it clean. So slowly I will take you through my little apartment that I call home.
My biggest challenge in this apartment is keeping the kitchen clean and clutter free. It is by far the smallest kitchen that I have ever had and I hope it continues to be the smallest kitchen I'll ever have. I am happy to say that right now all of my dishes are clean and put away so I can show you my clean and clutter free kitchen!

And what you see here is all there is...the walls aren't hiding anything lol.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Project 365

So I am going to take on a 365 day project. For those of you that don't know what it is, I will be posting one picture every day for the next year. I want to chronicle the next year because I'm sure it will bring many new things. Imagine being able to look back at any day of your year and recall what you did, who you met, what you learned… (Often I find it hard to remember what I did just yesterday or even last night, let alone a whole year ago!) Time moves surprisingly fast. I will be taking my camera everywhere. Well, I already do that because it's always in my purse, but I am going to do better at using it and actually taking pictures. I'm hoping I can capture moments with the people that are important in my life.

So for today...

This is Brycen, I spend most of my days hanging out with him and his big brother Braxton. Today we mostly hung out at home because it was MLK Day and there was no school. This was a calm moment between Brycen and I while I was getting lunch ready.